FAQ - Keyword Explorer

Q: How do I know which keywords are the most popular?
A: We list results in descending order.  In other words, the most popular keywords are listed at the top.

Q: What do the + and - signs mean in the results?
A: Related keywords are grouped together.  For example, the search term "headphones" could yield results like "headphones iphone", "headphones iphone 5," or "headphones iphone 6."  We group these together to minimize clutter on the page.  The +/- button collapses or expands these groups.

Q: Can I export these results?
A: Yes.  By clicking "Download CSV" at the top of the results page, you can download an Excel-friendly .csv file to view and compare offline.

Q: Do these results refresh daily?
A: No.  All results shown are a snapshot from the moment you enter them.  If you searched a certain term several days/weeks before and want updated information, you can simply delete the old results and re-enter the keyword into the system.

Q: What does the number in the "Results" column represent?
A: The number that generates under “Results” is the amount of similar keywords AMZShark has found. Click it to view the entire list.

Q: How do I delete old keyword searches?
A: Click the box located to the left of the keyword.  Then press the red "Delete Selected" button at the top of the page.