FAQ - Sales Tracker

Q: How is this data gathered?
A: Our program finds the product(s) you’d like to track and adds it to the shopping cart in the quantity of 999. Amazon then automatically responds with a message that says “This seller has only ‘x’ of these available.” That number ‘x’ gets logged in our system and displayed for you every day. This method is fast and simple – a great way for you to immediately see how many items your competitor has sold.

Q: Does this comply with Amazon's Terms of Service?
A: Yes.  Nothing we have built goes against Amazon TOS.

Q: What if I want to track multiple child products?
A: Each version of a product with multiple variations need to be entered manually into our system.  Make sure to enter the correct ASIN for each, and we will track them individually.

Q: Can I export data from Sales Tracker?
A: Yes - if you click "Show Data" on any product, you will see a "Download Sales CSV" option to take your results offline to open in Excel.

Q: I just added a product and I don't see data.
A: Please wait 24 hours for our software to track the first full day's worth of information.  The longer you keep tracking a product, the more results you will see. 

Note: Remember, we are estimating these sales and revenue and can not give exact numbers. No one can, so if they tell you they are, they’re lying. These trackers and tools are here to give you estimates and trends in order to make informed decisions. AMZShark prides itself in giving the most accurate estimates on the market. Just something to keep in mind!