FAQ - Search Rankings

Q: Under Show Rankings, what does "76 [down arrow] 3" mean?
A: The arrow is a quick and easy way to see each product's progress.  In this case, 76 is that ASIN's current rank under the given keyword.  Down arrow followed by the number 3 means it has dropped three spots since yesterday.

Q: What does the "New Products" button do?
A: If a new product on your country's Amazon is climbing the ranks, we show it to you here.  We'll also tell you its average rating, number of reviews, price, position and page.

Q: What does the "Rising Products" button do?
A: Rising Products shows you a list of products that have drastically improved their ranks for the keywords you track. Specifically, we show the products that appeared on page one for the first time each day. This process is automatic, as long as you have keywords added to Search Rankings, it'll update daily.

Q: What does the "Download CSV" button do?
A: Click this to download an Excel-friendly spreadsheet of all results.  This is handy if you need to work offline.